Monday, 21 March 2011

Catch up!!

Well my New Years Resolution was to be better at updating my blog. I think we can safely say that was a resounding fail!!! ha ha.

I have had a very busy couple of months with lots of things happening and lots of changes. I am going to just talk about the most important :)


This was the indoor comp that we had already entered before the decision not to run indoors again.

Fly didn't run at all as I don't want to lame her.

Neo did one run as I wanted to see if strapping him up to the hips helped for Crufts - it didn't!!

Jamie ran beautifully, he ended up running for Tasha as I had really hurt my back and I was in agony with it. He proved that he was now a multi handlable dog hee hee hee!! Their are no excuses for me having to run him any more lol.

Fox was brilliant for Sophie again today and ran faultlessly and more importantly, consistantly!! Woo hoo. He is going up to the top team now.

Tia was brilliant but is still dropping her ball when stressed or tired. I am just going to do little bits with her as she is in a six dog team and I can get away with it :)

Flyball Fever Seminar

This was a brilliant day!! Kelly and Aaron from the Rocket Relay team in Canada came over to do a seminar. I learnt so much. I was really pleased that a lot of what we were already training was correct, I just learnt how to tweek it to make it better. We had a brilliant day and then a brilliant training session a few weeks later when we demonstrated it to the rest of the team.


Neo went lame :( He fumbled on the box twice and ran out twice. That was the YKC team eliminated. I was so disapointed for Soph who blamed herself. I had stressed to her about shouting 'get over!!' to him and she thought that she hadn't shouted loud enough. Poor little thing. We all made her feel better especially Tasha who brought her a cuddly dog for handling him so well and told her she was proud of her :) Awww.


Yes we have puppies! Barley not being right after her season was because she was pregnant. Neo had some how got her! I panicked the entire time she was pregnant and wasn't happy until they were all born, feeding and healthy. She had six beautiful pups and I am a very proud nanny lol

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