Thursday 10 September 2009


This was a tiring one!!!!
I ended up having to work late on Friday night due to a massive glitch on our new computer system grrrrr! Got home at 10.30pm only to have to get up at 3.30am!! eugh!!! To say I was tired is probably not strong enough wording!!! I finally got to Shakerstone at 8.20 after getting stuck on the M25 for an hour. Boo hoo! I was beginning to think that this wasn't going to be a good weekend lol.
Saturday we were ring partying first division in, so I sat and scribed and drank coffee to keep myself awake. We then had a division off so I took Barley for a walk around the show ground. She was hilarious, I'd be walking along and suddenly feel a tug on the lead from behind. I'd turn around and she was on her back in front of some poor unsuspecting person who always fell for the batting eyelashes lol! She had a whale of a time! It took us about four times longer to walk round then it should have! She loved watching the flyball though! Her little ears went right up and she wasn't interested in anyone oooh! The Muttleys were then in, it didn't go well!! We had a seed time gained with Taff and although Fly can run as fast as him she was not running properly as I was running her back to another ball instead of a ragger. She has been spitting her ball out recentely (after running perfectly for 7 years!!!) so I have stopped using the ragger. She is having a bit of a strike about it and has dropped half a second off her time. Speed vs reliability??? theres a dilemma!! Needless to say we didn't do well. In fact I think we were 6th out of 7 teams, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong because I can't actually remember!! lol!! At prizegiving however Sam and Poppitt got their platinum award at last so it made it worthwhile.
We went out to celebrate it that night and went into the massive beer tent there. The bravest of us (or is that stupidest of us??) decided to go on the waltzer (or twister as some people call it), it was the fastest one that I have ever been on. Katie and I ended up cackling manically with a mixture of adrenaline and pure terror!!!! lol. At 11pm I let the Mad Mutts down and had to call it a night as I was so tired that I could barely sit up and was in danger of falling asleep at the table (That would have been a bad idea with my team members!!!) so I toddled off to bed and actually ended up taking most of the team with me as we were all tired. The rest stayed up until silly o'clock and appeared the next morning talking about cutlery and with straw in their hair?????
On Sunday the Terrierists ran really well on a submitted seed time as two of their fastest dogs were away. We put all the youngsters in and they did really well. I put Fox in the warm ups to do run backs and I was really pleased with him. He can't run up yet as his focus on the box just isn't quite there but he did brilliant runbacks with the dogs in the other lane. This is such a massive improvement from Barleylands at the beginning of the year when he did a run back in starters and jumped two sets of netting to attack the dog in the other lane!! I was over the moon with him! It's been such hard work with him that I think I will probably cry the first time he does it right in open and gets points!! LOL! The Running 4 Mutts were in Div 1. Jamie and Neo ran well even though Neo was being handled by Nicky as Tasha couldn't make the show, but we were against some of the fastest teams in the country...again we were slaughtered! We did however have the honour of running against the High Flyers when they ran the fastest time in the country ever, it cannot be called a British record however as it was not video'd!!! This was such a shame :(
The highlight of the show for me though was watching the Red Arrows who made an appearence at the show!! They were as amazing as I had always remembered them to be, thats not something that happens very often is it?
By the end of Sunday the lack of sleep had caught up with me and I was extremely tired and very pleased to be going home. I think my team were pleased I was going too as I was a little bit grumpy :)

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